Module Supply Chain
An indispensable module is the Supply Module that is closely interrelated with the Stock Administration module, as well as with the financial one. This module contains an element of management contracts regarding the providers and their additional documents; an element dedicated to the supplying orders, orders that can or cannot be done based on a supplying contract with strictly defined segments.
As in the case of the module dedicated to the retail activity, the notion of reception (complementary to that of delivery) is defined to correctly control the supplying flow. At this level, the supplying politics of the company can be implemented (for ex: obstruction of payment of the invoices that have not fulfilled the contractual conditions, quantitatively or qualitatively). Reception administrates the documents necessary to register entrances in the administrations defined at the level of the company, as well as the one of conformity with the received products.
All the operations that compose the module are also reflected in the Accountancy Module, automatically generating the accountant recordings afferent to each of them. The management element of the supplying contracts, together with the reception element offer to the company's management compose a global image of the supplying processes, as well as a chronology of acquisitions, useful in the statistics analysis related to the providers classification taking into account the supplying capacity and the qualitative point of view.